How To Survive A Tornado And Your Home Damaged By It

how to survive a tornado

How to survive a hurricane in New Orleans? It's not as easy as it sounds. After Hurricane Katrina, there were many predictions that this would be a horrible year for hurricanes but, no matter what the weatherman said, the storms never appeared. Here are some tips for surviving Hurricane Katrina.

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how to survive a tornado with no shelter: - Get low and stay out of the central area of your home. - Look up and see if anything is blocking the wind. - Be aware of the direction your storm is blowing (e.g., east/west versus north/south) and look down to see if there are any large flying debris clouding the area. - Keep your body close to the ground and cover your face. - Try to orient yourself with the sky as the main reference point. The rotation of the earth will cause any spinning storm debris to change directions quickly.


How to survive a tornado without a tornado shelter: - If you are in your home's basement, try the lowest floor windows. They should open so that you can get out of the basement quickly. Make sure you are close enough to open the windows before the storm hits. If you are trapped in a house with a second story, it may be difficult to get out without waiting for a member of the family to come with a ladder.

How to Survive a Tornado and Your Home Damaged by it


How to survive a tornado if you have nowhere to go: - If you have nowhere to go, don't forget the items you took with you in your car. These items include papers, books, cell phones and jewelry. Your safest bet would be to hunker down with your possessions. Your goal is to stay alive till the storm slows down. After the warning signs end, you will be able to move around more easily.


How to survive a tornado and your home damaged by it: - Do not attempt to fight the storm. Instead, seek refuge inside of a school bus, shopping carts or other mobile homes. These shelters are equipped with doors and openings to provide shelter against flying debris. These shelters are also good places to park your car. Once the storm has ended, these shelters can be opened again to allow you to get out of the area.


How to survive a tornado and your home damaged by it: - It is important that you have a safe place to live. When the storm is over, seek shelter inside a school building or an office building with a large roof. These buildings will usually have strong walls to protect them from flying debris and from falling object. Be sure to lock all windows and doors. If you have an upstairs bedroom that can also be converted into a safe room, this is the best place for you to be during tornado season.


How to survive a tornado and your home damaged by it: - When safe, check your basement for any loose debris or objects that could be falling downward during the storm. It is possible that these could be causing damage to your home. If this is the case, use a heavy duty basement rescue door. This type of a door can keep objects in and out of the basement at all times. Make sure that it is near the floor level so that you can reach it during a rescue.


These are just some of the tips and tricks for surviving tornados. It is always best to be safe than sorry when tornadoes strike. Check for storm signs before it is too late. If you use these tips, you can greatly reduce the risk of your home being destroyed.

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