How To Write A Conclusion

how to write a conclusion

When writing a conclusion, there are several tips to keep in mind. Ensure that the conclusion nail your main takeaways and story arc. Tie up any loose ends and avoid logical fallacies. Your conclusion section should also have a call to action. Having trouble writing a conclusion? Try the following tips. You'll be surprised at how much simpler writing a conclusion can be than you think.

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Restate your thesis

Whether you want to restate your thesis in a conclusion or a body paragraph, remember to avoid using phrases like "in conclusion" when introducing your thesis. Instead, make your thesis restatement unique, focusing on a different, fresh take on the subject. This rhetorical device is especially important when it comes to writing essays and papers, as your audience is only likely to follow the rest of your paper after the thesis.

Once you have crafted your thesis statement, it's time to re-phrase it. A good thesis statement addresses the "so what" question and makes the argument that much more meaningful. Addressing this question in the conclusion will add weight to it, so avoid cliches. Cliches, while easy to use, signal a lack of originality and creativity. If you're restating your thesis, it won't have any meaning if the rest of your essay is full of errors.

Address limitations

While research papers often follow a similar structure, the approach to the conclusion may vary by field or convention. In some fields, posing new questions is an appropriate way to encourage readers to consider new ideas or addressing limitations can explore possible shortcomings of a study. However, addressing limitations is not a viable option for every paper. If you want to make your conclusion meaningful and helpful to your readers, consider these tips for writing a conclusion.

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As an expert, it is imperative to consider limitations before writing your conclusion. While the public may expect authors to present authoritative work, they are also likely to critique their own. When writing your conclusion, be sure to acknowledge limitations and discuss how you've addressed them. Limitations may be listed in the Discussion section or throughout the entire paper. By identifying the limitations in advance, readers can more readily interpret and generalize your findings.

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Provide a call to action

A call to action is one of the most important parts of any presentation. It gives the audience a clear choice and a compelling reason to act on your message. People who do the work make the organization run. They are often the ones who inspire other people to take action. Use action words whenever possible to speak to these people. Here are some examples of good call to action phrases:

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A good CTA is a simple way to drive conversions. Rather than attempting to sell a product directly, create a sense of urgency for your audience. Make your call to action short but memorable. It will help encourage potential customers to keep reading. It is best to highlight one call to action at a time. Some marketers use both primary and secondary call to actions. But whichever one you choose, remember to include your main CTA and make sure it's prominent.

Avoid logical fallacies

When you are constructing your argument, you need to be sure to avoid common logical fallacies when writing summing up your arguments. In this article, we'll discuss some of the most common ones and what to do to avoid them. For instance, don't use the straw man fallacy to attack your opponent's position. This fallacy involves stating the premise and reasserting it as the conclusion. Rather, the conclusion should be a separate proposition related to the premise by logical coherence.

Using logical fallacies in your argument can damage the quality of your work. These mistakes are often made by using flawed reasoning and invalid premises. When this happens, you are creating a weak argument. Moreover, you can use these fallacies to attack your opponent or character. You may also use unreliable source quotes to weaken your argument. But this is not the end of the story! There are several ways to avoid fallacies when writing a conclusion.

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